Topical & Vaginal Application Only ~ Safe to insert as a vaginal suppository & apply to skin. (Do not eat, swallow, or consume through your mouth)
How it can be helpful:
Has been known to balance the pH levels that have been disrupted from its normal ecological environment within the vagina, can reduce or get rid of the itching, burning, discharge, & dead fishy odor.
The blend has antimicrobial, antibacterial, & antifungal properties that could possibly have the capability to holistically mimic the effects of the antibiotics usually prescribed for Bacterial Vaginosis &/or Yeast Infections.
Please note: This is not a substitute for your recommended gynecological routine. Please continue your doctor’s necessary recommendations. This product is to attempt a natural approach that may not heal, treat, or cure. Sometimes antibiotics are necessary & help. For any gynecological issues, please contact your primary OB/GYN for further assistance.
How to utilize for best results:
Abstain from sexual intercourse until this clears. Wash your hands! Once a day for 4-6 days, remove a non-scented regular tampon from the applicator so the cotton is exposed. Dip the cotton into the jar with the proprietary blend so it absorbs. Insert the tampon into your vagina. Always use a fresh clean tampon, do not double dip.
Repeat the same steps using a clean cotton swab, apply the blend to the outside area of the vagina lips for calming & ‘kuhl-ing’ relief. Set a timer & Remove the tampon after 35 minutes. If your experiencing burning & discomfort, remove immediately. Rinse the area with clear water.
Helpful tips: Use condoms! Immediately after sex, be sure to urinate & rinse your vagina with clean clear water. Remove wet clothing promptly. Wear dry breathable cotton underwear.
The Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Organic Jojoba Oil, Assorted Essential Oils: Oregano, Melaleuca, Rosemary, Clove, Lemon. Organic Non-GMO Liquid Probiotics: Lactobacillus Acidophilus, L-Gasseri, L-Reuteri, L-Salivarius, L-Rhamnosus, L-Casei, L-Plantarum, Lactococcus-Lactis, Streptococcus-Thermophilus, Bifidobacterium-Bifidum, B-Longum, B-Ingredients Lactis, B-Breve, B-Infantis.
Contains NO CBD or THC.
Product Life & Storage: Keep in a dry, moderately stable room temperature to maintain maximum freshness. Store away from humidity, heat, & direct light. Be sure to secure the lid to avoid spillage.
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